How Much Does an Ecommerce Website Design Cost in 2023?

A website is an essential component of every organization. It's how you market to customers, how you store information about your business and services, and how people find you.

However, with so many options, it can be difficult to know where to begin when designing your website. That is why we will break down the price of developing a website in 2023 and provide advice on what to look for when determining which features are most necessary! 

Today, e-commerce is one of the fastest-growing industries. This is one industry that will never go out of business, whether you sell on top e-commerce websites like Amazon and eBay or run your own specialized e-commerce portal. Continue reading to find out how much an eCommerce website design cost in India.

If you want to establish your own eCommerce website in the year 2023 and are seeking inspiration, Here are some solid e-commerce business ideas to get you started.

Finding the correct niche is, of course, the first step in beginning an e-commerce website

However, the most critical stage is to create and launch a smooth, user-friendly, and feature-rich website for your online store. 

To determine the precise cost of constructing an e-commerce website, you must first define your goals and exactly what you want to build, including the numerous features and elements you want to include.


Only by studying every aspect of constructing your eCommerce website will you be able to provide an accurate quotation.


eCommerce website cost in India is starting from a few hundred dollars and up to $200,000.

 However, a more accurate estimate may only be obtained by carefully analyzing each and every element. So, in order to determine the development cost, we will look at the numerous aspects and things that affect the cost of developing an e-commerce website.

The size and scope of your eCommerce website


Almost always, the scope and size of your eCommerce website will have the greatest impact on the development cost. Whether you want to develop a specialty website and sell things in a particular category, or whether you want to be the next Amazon, selling everything?


At the same time, the size of your store will be determined by your objectives. For example, you could be trying to expand your already successful retail store online, or you could have a solid investor backing you up. 

If, on the other hand, you are a startup with limited financial resources, you may want to explore creating an online store with simple, minimal functionality. The price will differ accordingly.

Also Check: How Much Does it Cost To Build eCommerce Website Design in India?


How are you going to monetize your website?


How are you meant to make money with your website if no one is visiting it? This is where internet marketing comes into play. 

SEO and PPC are two of the most effective digital marketing tactics for promoting your eCommerce store online. 

In other words, these marketing strategies will assist you in increasing traffic to your online business and converting leads into sales. 

Begin by optimizing your website for search engines, including keywords in content and meta tags, content quality and length, photos, canonical tags, speed, user experience, layout, appearance, navigation, and other factors. 

So for the success of your business, you need an effective eCommerce website that stands out from the crowd. An effective eCommerce website design cost in India is lower than sites which are designed outside of India. 

How does the cost of an eCommerce website decide?


A website is composed of three major components: design, backend, and content. Everything you see on the website is content, including photos, phrases, lists, pages, items, and more. 

To create user-centric and relevant content for your website pages, you'll need to engage a content writer or a copywriter. 

The price of content is determined by the number of pages on your website. A good content writer can charge between $50 and $80 per hour or $100 per page. 

So, if your website has 100 pages, you need roughly $10,000 for content. Then there's the marketing. You will not become wealthy by simply creating and establishing an eCommerce website.

    • Functionality 

Another factor that influences the cost of eCommerce website development is the functionality and features you want to include on your website.


Whatever the size, scope, or ambitions of your online store, you must have at least fundamental features such as a shopping cart, product listing, payment system, and so on.


You can choose any of the free or open-source eCommerce platforms if you only want the essential functions in your retail website. 

WooCommerce is usually the best because it provides all of the core functions of an online business as well as some extras. The best part is that it is completely free to use.


However, don't expect advanced features like discount management, wish lists, crypto payments, and so on in your free eCommerce website.


Once your web construction is complete and your eCommerce store is operational, it will require frequent maintenance and updates.

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    • Domain and hosting fees to consider 

The cost of a website domain is between $10 and $12. The cost of shared website hosting ranges from $30 to $1,000 per month. A website may encounter problems and faults over time when users interact with it. 

Timely issue resolution and thorough maintenance of your eCommerce site are critical to retaining user interest and trust. 

Furthermore, the website foundation, content, and so on must be updated on a regular basis to keep the firm competitive. 

An e-commerce website maintenance service might cost anywhere from $500 to $1,250 per year, depending on who you engage. This includes the price of upkeep, updates, and customization.

A variety of factors influence the final cost of developing an eCommerce website. Some online stores can be started for as little as a few hundred dollars, while others might cost tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of dollars.

    • Ecommerce Application

eCommerce website design price is determined by the number of preconfigured features, the type of software incorporated, and the level of customer service supplied. One of the most difficult aspects of starting an online store is deciding on a platform to run it on. Let's take a look at some of the platforms available.



BigCommerce's platform is packed with valuable features, is simple to use, and speeds up the launch process for businesses. BigCommerce is simple to use once set up, with a basic storefront for adding products and managing orders.


Developers and other back-end users may find its headless capabilities appealing. Many popular DXP and front-end CMS platforms, including WordPress, Bloomreach, Drupal, and others, offer pre-built BigCommerce connections.



While Magento is available in both on-premise and cloud-hosted configurations, many businesses are shifting to SaaS models due to the benefits of continual Magento platform upgrades and patches. Magento requires the assistance of a developer or team of developers, as well as a hosting partner and an integrator.



Shopify is an excellent platform for brands to get their feet wet in the e-commerce world. 

Shopify was created in response to the need for a simple platform for small businesses to start their own online stores. Even if you've never written a line of code before, you can create a website with most site builders' drag-and-drop functionality.

    • SSL Certificate

This inexpensive component can provide the network security that customers will need to access and purchase from your website. SSL certificates are increasingly being used as ranking criteria by search engines. Keep in mind that some hosting plans may include this service for free.


    • Payment gateway

Several variables, including the payment methods you select to accept (such as PayPal or other credit cards), the currencies you'll be accepting, and the places in which you'll be selling, may affect the payment processing fees related to receiving payments at checkout.


There will be a cost associated with each payment processor you select. As an example, think about the following:


The cost for PayPal transactions over $10 is 2.9% plus $0.30.

Stripe charges a transaction fee of 2.9% plus $0.30.

    • Amount of pages

The total number of pages you need is a crucial factor in estimating the cost of an eCommerce website. Most internet retailers have over 250.


As a result, your cost per page will be significantly higher than, for example, a website that generates leads from a lesser number of pages.


However, the quantity of goods you sell will quickly cover the price of each page. It is wise for your e-commerce website to offer a separate page for each of its products because of this. In fact, you might acquire more if things pick up and you expand.


    • SEO

If you own an online business, you should use these eCommerce SEO techniques to optimize your website for search engines like Google. Additionally, it's essential for the long-term viability of your online store. If you want to boost sales, you must draw in search engine users as customers.


If you want your business to prosper, you need to consistently attract both new and returning customers. But a consistent financial commitment is required if search engine optimization for online retailers is to be effective. It takes work to maintain a high search engine position, but it's necessary if you don't want your rivals to outrank you.


    • Designing a responsive website

Today, every online store must have a mobile-friendly design. Customers will always be using their mobile phones, tablets, and even wearables to access your website.


You should account for them because they now make up more than 50% of all Internet traffic.

The adaptive layout does this. Your e-commerce website will look fantastic on any device thanks to responsive web design. Because of the precisely sized buttons, simple design, and extensive list of functions, customers who reach your site from a mobile device will have a great browsing and purchasing experience.


A wonderful, personalized experience will likewise be provided to everyone shopping on your website using a laptop. Responsive design is the gold standard for internet businesses.


    • Online store database

For online retailers, database integration is crucial, even though it is occasionally viewed as a nice-to-have for conventional websites. A smart method to centralize the information your company gathers about clients, employees, and products is to integrate your databases.


If you want all of your employees to have access to a central server containing corporate data, database integration is required. However, it's also essential to integrate your client information because it allows customers to create profiles, choose their preferences, and enjoy a more personalized experience.


If you use database integration to keep customer credit card information, there is no need for it to be entered again. If you want to enhance internal communication or simplify the purchasing process for your customers, database integration is an eCommerce website development cost to take into account.

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You can have your internet store up and running for far less than $1,000 if you know exactly what you need. Because of its variety, you can choose the services you need and simply pay for them in an online store.

You may prevent any unpleasant shocks later on regarding both the initial and recurring costs by investing the time and effort up front. 

You have a great opportunity to grow your consumer base and increase your earnings if you operate your business online. It's time to perform the calculations and decide whether it's a wise move for your business.

Are you searching for eCommerce website development company in India? Visit Indian Website Company for affordable web design services in India. Indian Website Company can help you to design an eCommerce website with the help of top notch technology, tools and ecommerce website developers.


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