How To Build A Successful E-Commerce Website?

The Internet is now playing an important role in our lives; From the morning to the evening we are stuck to the internet like an ant to sugar. 

Nowadays, generation is born with internet using skills. Currently 43% people use the internet for everything like social media and shopping.  

Even the retails are shifted to online shopping platforms i.e. eCommerce.

Ecommerce sites enable businesses to reach new markets and gain resilience by selling even if their physical stores must close. If you're just getting started, an ecommerce site can provide you with a global market and brand recognition before you even open a physical store.

Starting your own ecommerce website allows you to control every aspect of your customer experience, from branding to shipping and customer service. You can build it yourself or hire a web design and development company in India, but knowing the process can help you make informed decisions and get a website that's optimized for selling your products.

Ecommerce will make up 22% of global retail sales by 2023, Statistica on their report. 

Now the next point arrived: what to do for a successful eCommerce business?

If you are a bricks and mortar business owner then having an online eCommerce store might be one of your dreams, but you don’t know about the bare basics of online platforms and eCommerce.

Keep calm, this blog post will clear your every doubt about eCommerce website.

How to set up an eCommerce store?

If you're new to the world of online retail and want to dive into ecommerce for the first time, there may be a lot to learn. It's not immediately clear what it takes to get a new online business off the ground and into production.

Firstly, decide a brand name

Before you begin your ecommerce adventure, you must first decide on a brand name. The domain name you choose and purchase for your website will reflect this brand.

Hundreds of blog posts have been written about building a brand. If you have the time (and resources), you may want to (or have already) hired the services of a branding agency to help you build your story.

Here are some basic steps to take when developing your brand.

    • Do an effective competitor research

    • Choose your focus and your personality.

    • Select a business name

    • Make a brand promise

    • Create the brand's appearance (logo, colors, font)

    • Display your thoughts on legal papers in the form of patents and copyrights. 

Protect your domain name

So you've decided on a name (the brand) for your new business, and you're ready to take the next step and purchase the domain name.

Domain names are like your store’s name on the internet. Domain names are available for purchase from hosting companies or domain registrars. Many hosting companies also provide their own web builder packages, so do your homework. 

If all you want to do at this point is secure your brand's domain name, that's fine. You can always transfer your domain name to another provider at a later time. The important thing at this point is to choose a secure domain name.

Importance of domain will be better explained by the ecommerce website design company in India

Select the best ecommerce platform

Choosing the best ecommerce platform for your website is a critical decision. If you have thousands of products to move, changing the platform at a later date can be a time-consuming and costly operation.

There are basically various ecommerce platforms available, including Software as a Service (SaaS) storefronts, off-the-shelf software, and custom solutions. Each has advantages and disadvantages. 

Software as Service

It is the shortest and least expensive route to market, Shopify is the best example for this. 

An aspiring online retailer can quickly set up an ecommerce business for a small monthly payment. and, for example, provide easy-to-configure template builds with a customizable front-end presentation.

These solutions are ideal for dipping your toe into the water and learning about the world of ecommerce. It's very easy to put together a website that looks professional and works well. 

However, because the platforms are heavily templated, making changes to your site to include large-scale customisation is not an option. On these platforms, there is little to distinguish between the various e-tailers.

Read more:

Off the shelf software

There are off-the-shelf solutions that can be set up by someone with strong technical knowledge. A higher level of technical ability is typically required for setup, allowing for much more platform customization. 

Off-the-shelf' ecommerce software includes Magento, WooCommerce (for WordPress), and Kentico, all of which are highly feature-rich and extendable.

The number of unnecessary features that often come bundled into the platform is a major disadvantage of any off-the-shelf solution. Tools designed to meet the needs of the mass market frequently over-deliver to individual businesses that require only a subset of the services available. Magneto is the best example of this.

A secure (SSL) certificate is an absolute requirement

If you are not using a pre-packaged ecommerce service, you will also need to obtain an SSL certificate in addition to the domain name.

An SSL certificate is required to secure communications between a web browser and the server that hosts your website. There are numerous SSL certificate providers.

Alternatively, many web hosts will handle the SSL for you, so you may be able to purchase through them. Costs vary by provider, and you must have your domain name registered before purchasing an SSL certificate.

Select the best hosting package

All websites must reside somewhere on a server (even cloud-based hosting is still server-based, it's just not your server).

The final decision may be influenced by the budget. Choosing the right hosting package is critical for several reasons:

Website loading time

Hosting your website in the same country where you sell can affect how quickly the website loads. Consider using a content delivery network (CDN) to help localize your site to different target countries if you're selling to a multinational market.

Performance and uptime

The host's dependability in keeping the website up and running is critical. If the website is down half the time, you will not be using it.

Select a payment service provider (PSP)

If you choose a SaaS solution like Shopify, you will use their payment solutions. If you are developing your website using a solution such as Magento or creating a custom solution, you will need to consider a payment service provider (PSP).

Once you've chosen an IMA for your company, you'll need to select a payment service provider (PSP), also known as a payment processor or payment gateway.

Some banks will recommend a PSP when issuing the merchant account, but it pays to shop around because the charge rates vary: it's almost always possible to find a better deal.

Why Build an Ecommerce Site?

It is obvious that the growth of ecommerce has many benefits for a company's bottom line, but there are other reasons to start an ecommerce business. Businesses with an online presence have numerous opportunities to make connections that lead to growth.

Purchases in new markets

With only a storefront, it can be difficult for many businesses, particularly small businesses and startups, to reach customers in new markets. An ecommerce site allows you to reach new customers online who you would not have been able to reach with only brick-and-mortar sales.

Create one-of-a-kind shopping experiences

Online businesses can also have a direct impact on the customer journey by providing a one-of-a-kind shopping experience via videos, stories, and personalized services. 

These shopping experiences do not have to end at the checkout, as you can reach customers through email marketing or social media. These extraordinary experiences have a way of convincing customers that online shopping provides inclusive opportunities that a traditional store does not.

Increase the value of your brand

When you sell on an online marketplace such as eBay or Amazon, your products are listed generically and frequently with the marketplace's branding. 

Some customers may not even realize they are buying from you and, as a result, will not learn about your brand. Building your own ecommerce site gives you complete control over how your products are displayed. 

Your customers will remember you, not the market.

Read more:

How to build a successful eCommerce website? Important tips 

When developing an ecommerce website, web design is critical. A good ecommerce web design relies on the use of the appropriate colors, fonts, images, words, and graphics to persuade visitors to make a purchase. Your ecommerce website design should entice potential customers, provide a positive user experience, and present your store in the best light possible.

Keep it simple and sweet

You don't need a slew of bells and whistles on your ecommerce site; they only serve as a distraction. Maintain a clear, clean, and simple design while focusing on the sale.

Strong branding is the key

When it comes to online shopping, people prefer to buy from well-known brands rather than faceless ecommerce sites that appear to be a ruse to steal their credit card information.

If you want to build the trust necessary to drive serious sales with your ecommerce business, you must give your branding some serious thought. 

Your branding is like the DNA of your ecommerce business; it represents who you are as a company, what you stand for, and how you differ from your competitors—and it plays a significant role in connecting with your audience and driving sales.

Keep user in mind

If you want your ecommerce website design to connect with your target audience, you must think like them. 

Finally, there are only a few things your potential customers want from an ecommerce experience: a site that is easy to navigate, well-designed, and makes the shopping process simple, straightforward, and painless.

And if you want your ecommerce store to succeed, you should provide them with those items.

Put yourself in the shoes of your visitors during the design process. What kind of layout will make it easiest for them to navigate? How can you organize your products so that the end user can understand them? How can you make the checkout process easier?

Choose attractive colors

Choosing colors for your ecommerce site entails more than simply saying, "Well, red is my favorite color, so...make let's everything red!" Color is a very powerful tool, and if you understand its psychology, you can use it to your advantage (and drive some serious sales in the process).

Different colors can evoke different feelings, emotions, and actions in people, so if you want your ecommerce site to convert, you must capitalize on those color inspirations.

If you want people to buy something, for example, make the purchase button stand out with a bright color like red. 

Use high quality images

It's common knowledge in the world of web design that images increase conversions (for example, one recent case study found that incorporating more relevant images into a website design increased conversions by more than 40%). 

This is especially true in the case of ecommerce.

Having professional images of all your products (and images of your products from multiple angles) goes a long way toward instilling confidence and trust in your customers. 

They are more likely to buy if they are confident that they know what they are doing. However, if there are no images of the product they want to buy (or only a single, low-quality image), they will be more hesitant to purchase—and your conversions will suffer as a result.

Use social proof

The more visitors to your website see that other people have had a positive experience shopping on your site (whether through reviews or testimonials), the more trustworthy you'll appear—and the higher your conversions will be as a result.

Keep navigation simple

Make your product categories and product pages simple to use. Make it simple for your customers to search for products and filter them by attributes such as color, size, or product type. The easier you make it for your customers to navigate your categories and pages, the easier it will be for them to find what they're looking for—and the easier it will be for them to make a purchase.

Eazy checkout process

Make your checkout page design simple, clean, and easy to use. Allow your customers to register for your site or check out as a guest. 

Make it clear what information you need to process the purchase (and where they need to enter it), the various shipping options available (and how much they cost), and what to do if there is a problem with their order or they need to return it. 

Once the transaction is complete, direct your customers to a confirmation page to ensure that everything went smoothly.

Make it responsive

We'll keep it brief: if you want to attract customers who prefer to shop on their phones or tablets, you must ensure that your website design is fully responsive. Otherwise, you may not be able to persuade those valuable mobile visitors that your site is the place for them to make a purchase.


Designing an ecommerce website can be difficult, but now that you've learned the top web design tips from ecommerce website development company, you'll have everything you need to create a site that not only looks great, but converts like crazy.

You can contact Indian Website Company, for the best eCommerce website development. We have a team of experienced ecommerce website developer in India who provide quality website design and development services at affordable eCommerce website design cost in India.

Bottom Line

Designing an ecommerce website can be difficult but you can learn and follow all these above tips to get a user friendly and featurch rich ecommerce website or hire an exprienced eCommerce website design company in India to build a successful eCommerce website.

but now that you've learned the top web design tips for ecommerce website design company, you'll have everything you need to create a site that not only looks great, but converts like crazy.


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